10 Minos Games
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La Masseria La Masseria
La Masseria La Masseria
La Masseria La Masseria

La Masseria

There's no time to play dectectives, there's work to do, and then some other said the sharecropper to the day laborer after a rain of toads hit them.
La Masseria is an investigative role playing game created for short adventures in a southern Italy imbued with folklore, traditions and superstitions.
The simple and hard life of a family is blown away by unexpected events. You will play rural, ancestral archetype roles while improvising detectives to bring peace to your land once again.

La Masseria is on Kickstarter right now and is available both in English and Italian.
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In this game the main character is time, the time of the work in the fields, of passing of days and nights, of seasons.
Characters have very few free time, few actions to perform during the day, and they will have to carefully choose them. The succession of events will follow the same pace, the one of a rural civilization.

La Masseria uses an intuitive system based on the use of 1d6, that allows to resolve the challenges and investigations without burden for its narrative structure.
You need a Master to play La Masseria.

The book contains:
  • an agile and complete ruleset
  • a rural, farming setting that's anything but obvious
  • custmoizable characters that are had to forget
  • the adventure "Felice o'malopadrone" (Felice, the bad master)
  • the adventure "O'scazzamurrill"
  • various adventure cues
  • the map of the masseria
  • a special bookmark to track the adventure progression

La Masseria is on Kickstarter right now and is available both in English and Italian.
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